Thursday, November 03, 2005

映画バトン by neuro

Wallace Huo (ウォレス・フォ) 霍建華 愛與夢的飛翔の家主、neuro_orionです。


■ 今年映画館で観た映画の本数は?

Wow.... I haven't gone to the movie so far this year...!

■ 好きな映画のジャンルは?

I like science fiction movies a lot (Blade Runner, Aliens, Star Wars, etc), and I also like historical epics (Gladiator, The Queen Maggot, etc).

■ 好きな俳優さんは?

Wallace Huo 霍建華!-- Although he is young, and not many people know him, and althouth he makes TV mostly, I think he is very talented and has a unique charm. I have great expectation on this young man!! Check it out, you guys!!

妻夫木 聡: What should I say about this talented young man? So cute, so smart, and so natural. Seeing him is like bathing in the warm sunlight!

竹野內 豐: A perfect blend between being reticent and wild, being introspective and sexy.

唐澤 寿明: He is one of the greatest TV actors on screen. Although his image on the big screen is not quite as strong, I still like him a lot.

安藤政信: I think Masanobu is in many ways similar to 霍建華. He doesn't have many works, but his performance was quite impressive.

Marlone Brando: The greatest actor in the world.

Harrison Ford: Yeh, I really like his "The Fugitive".

Mel Gibson (before 1995...): Before the making of Braveheart, he was very versatile: Gallipoli, The Year of Living Dangerously, Tim, Mad Max, I watched all his movies between 1977 and 1992, except for Z and Summer City. After Braveheart he went to this stereotypical, self-exaggerating heroic style which made me very upset. For those knowing Mel by his Lethal Weapon series and later movies, I strongly recommend his earlier ones. His Hamlet (with Helena Boheim Carter and Glenn Close) was also very good.

松嶋菜菜子: She is elegant, charming, and wise. She has everything a man can ask for!

Gwyneth Paltrow: She is the western version of Nanako.

Audrey Hepburn: My all-time best love on screen!

■ 好きな監督さんは?
宮崎駿, 黑澤明, 李安, David Lean, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Francis Ford Coppola, James Cameron, Ridley Scott, Peter Wehr

■ オススメの10本は?
Blade Runner (1981), Aliens II (1986), A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), 羅生門 (1951), 悲情城市 (1989), 霸王別姬 (1993), Apocalypse Now (1979), Gallipoli (1981), A Short Film About Love (1988), Bleu (1993), and more!!

■ 持っているDVD(ビデオ)の数は?
A few.... i don't know how many.

■ この監督、俳優が携わってるなら絶対観るって人は?



■ これから観たいと思っている映画は?
Brokeback Mountain/李安

■ バトンは誰に廻す?
Hilary Yan!


I may add more when I have more time~~!
Thanks Fanyicho for giving me such a wonderful experience!